Business Valuation and Profit & Loss Review

Pricing your business correctly is essential for a successful sale. You will want to list your business at a price that allows you to maximize your return while also attracting buyers who are currently shopping.

Valuation Services

Selling your business requires pricing it correctly. We can create a business valuation for you so your prices is justified to potential buyers.

Our valuation approach uses market research, a review of your financial statements, and a seller questionnaire to create a valuation. We will give you our appraisal of your business’s value and explain it to you so you can justify it to potential buyers. During our review of your financials, we’ll also offer helpful tips and suggestions on how to present financial information to buyers. Business valuation services cost $750. Business valuation with sales materials cost $1,400.

To learn more, check out some our our recent articles about business valuation

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